Yikes! My identity crisis resulted in the three faces of Jane: the personal, the public, and the book

After months of writing, I realized that the Women of the Way blog is really an author’s page, not a book page and that I needed to separate the two. Additionally, while converting Facebook to Timeline, I took a closer look at my Facebook presence and realized that I needed an author’s page to separate…

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Releasing the book trailer to Women of the Way

It is with great pleasure that I release this video tribute to the women who hiked the Camino de Santiago in September and October 2011. I interviewed many of these women for the upcoming book, Women of the Way. I thank them and others who do not show up in the video for relating to…

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Untangling the weave of social networks can leave one frazzled.

When I was setting up the social networking, I enabled Women of the Way to speak with Facebook and Twitter. I thought that I would post once and it would show up on the other sites. I was wrong. I posted once and it showed up multiple times on the other sites. To compound the…

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Organizing Yahoo Emails

I use Yahoo email. Yahoo is not structured for subfolders. I could not justify adding 30 to 35 email folders, one for each woman that I interviewed on the Camino. I, therefore, had all my emails with these women, sent and received, in one folder entitled Camino Interviews. Since I have had at least three…

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Welcome to Women of the Way 2011

I am in the process of writing a book about the interesting women I met while trekking over 500 miles on the Camino de Santiago in northern Spain. I started walking the Camino with a climb over the Pyrenees, headed west over mountains, plateaus, rises and dips, rocky and smooth trails, until reaching my destination…

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