Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Supernatural Romance
File Size: 4710 KB
ISBN-10: 1943386609
ISBN-13: 978- 1943386604
Pages: 286

I read Demon War: the Brotherhood of the Beloved, the second book in the Demon Series by P.A. Minyard immediately after reading the first book in the series. Though each book stands alone, I wish I had waited before reading the second to fully enjoy the well-developed story.

Daniel Parker dies during the Civil War and is given a chance to return to his life in order to be of service to the Father. Assuming a demon’s power is painful and leaves Daniel ill and the fight in the demon world requires recuperation with the help of his guardian Bernard.

Demons are tempters and tricky and guardians can have ulterior motives. When Daniel faces off with Donovan a strange thing happens.

For me, the real protagonist of this story is Jonathan, Daniel’s brother. He too joins the Brotherhood of the Beloved. This time, Bernard is more upfront about what accepting the challenge entails and Jonathan willingly accepts.

Both books have familial love as a theme but Demon War exemplifies the sacrifices that families make to rescue a beloved.