Money matters in Denmark

We’ll arrive in Copenhagen on May 19. As part of my preparations for the trip, I checked out the currency in Denmark (they do not use the Euro). The Krone (kr) (or Crown) is worth about $0.18. According to my research, if staying at moderate hotels and eating in inexpensive restaurants, we can expect to…

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What you need to do to prep for a long adventure

Preparing for a long adventure involves more than packing your bags. You need to make travel plans, prepare your home, and select your take-alongs with care. Packing light is always a good idea, especially when backpacking. Prepare for travel Develop the itinerary. Unless you are having a free-style adventure, you need to pay attention to…

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Are you puzzling the pieces together

Google+ is becoming an essential part of an author’s platform. Until today, I’ve paid little attention to this social network, focusing on Twitter and Facebook. But the statistics speak for themselves. Google+ has more than one billion enabled accounts with 359 million active monthly users. This is about half as many as Facebook and twice…

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2014’s Adventure

On this year’s adventure, we will revisit some countries and see new ones. We are returning to Europe to continue research for Dennis’ book about his father’s WWII combat parachute jumps, see friends we encountered on the Camino Francés in 2011, explore new countries (Sweden, Denmark, Germany—we only stepped into it last year), attend the…

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Do you like the new Twitter?

I don’t like things that change just for the sake of changing. I agree with Salinger’s statement in The Catcher in the Rye: “Certain things, they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone.” There is nothing…

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Too busy to blog is only an excuse

Forgive me, dear readers, I have lost my way. I kept telling myself that I was too busy to blog, other things were more important, like writing my next book. In fact, writing that book took over my life. For the past two weeks, I have neglected not only you but almost everything else. I…

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A novel way to write a novel

I am always looking for ways to enhance the storyline and give the book more depth. This guest post by Sherry Marshall explains how she uses her training as a Process Oriented Therapist to take her story to the next level. Writing. Exhilarating, inspirational, joyful; also frustrating, exasperating, hard work, and challenging. Writing in a…

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Are you afraid to be yourself?

This is the second of a two-part series on overcoming fear. Part 1 of the series discusses how I overcome my of heights. Here, I explain how I use that technique to conquer my fears to overcome my inner demons and become a FEARLESS writer. I envy the writer whose words embrace me, make me…

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Do you want to be fearless?

This is the first of a two-part series on overcoming fear. Part 2 of the series will discuss how I use the technique to conquer my fear to become a FEARLESS writer and to find my voice. Have you ever been afraid, REALLY AFRAID? Knee-knocking, hyperventilating afraid? Has your heart practically pounded out of  your…

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Act Quickly! Amazon Countdown Sale

When I enrolled Women of the Way: Embracing the Camino in the KDP Select program, I could choose to promote the book by using the Kindle Countdown Deal, a “time-bound promotional discounting for your book while earning royalties,” or the Free Book Promotion where readers worldwide can get the book free for a limited time.…

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