Rating: 4 Stars
Genre: Thriller & Suspense
File Size: 2565  KB
ISBN-10:  0997906448
ISBN-13: 978- 0997906448
Pages: 374

Wolf in the Crosshairs by Susan Klaus is probably the most exciting of the Christian Roberts series. Though each of the books stands alone, I recommend reading the others first to fully appreciate the character and his motives for eco-terrorism.

This time Chris, known as Captian Nemo for his attempt to save the sharks (Shark Fin Soup), is trying to rescue the American gray wolves. In his struggle to do so, he becomes the target in the crosshairs. Will he survive?

Don’t be fooled by the cover, this is a page-turner. The writing is tight, filled with action and suspense. Ms. Klaus has fully fleshed out the characters and has a knack for dialog. Reading this book is a pleasure.