Success revisited

In my previous post, Learning to be successful, I listed 5 steps to feeling successful. When I wrote the article, I actually thought that I could learn to feel successful; then, I listened to Steve Little  speak on success. It was a short promo for a program he is marketing, but his approach to defining success for yourself rang true for me. In his short video, he teaches a way for you to define success so that it is meaningful and personal. I was very much surprised by the results…realizing that what I had defined as success prior to the exercise was really what I had been taught was success, not really what my gut instincts told me it was. And guess what? Based on my new definition, I am wildly successful.

I was so moved by Steve Little’s technique for defining personal success, that I wrote a speech about the technique for a Toastmaster presentation at my club, Positively Speaking Toastmasters. Afterward, I received a lot of positive feedback. Our club records the speeches as a tool for improvement. I thought you might enjoy listening to it and possibly learn a technique for helping you define success for yourself.


So, did this technique help you redefine what success means for you? If so, what will you differently?

About The Author

Jane V. Blanchard

Adventurer and Author, I was born in Hartford Connecticut and now live in Sarasota, Florida.