September 1: Groesbeek

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt is hard to believe that we have been in Europe for four months, arriving in Barcelona Spain on May 1. Today we took a train to Nijmegen, NL. All the signs are in Dutch, but many people speak English. From the train station, we went to the Tourist Bureau, but it was closed. Esther (left) was a receptionist for the blind museum who offered to help us locate a hotel room in Groesbeek. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the hotel, the WiFi was not working, so we found the wonderful Weidezicht B & B. (right below)


When we arrived in Groesbeck, we went to a kabob house. We tried every language we knew to order food–the attendants only spoke Dutch. We ordered hoping to get something edible, and were pleased with a hamburger for Dennis and salad for me. Supper was easier–the waitress spoke enough English to help us select from the Dutch menu listings. As we ate, a group of Brits arrived: all were having a good time and the restaurant became very lively. Dennis tried to help them with their menu selection–talk of the blind leading the blind.

They told us about a railroad bicycle trip (fietslorrie) to Germany, which we may try.

About The Author

Jane V. Blanchard

Adventurer and Author, I was born in Hartford Connecticut and now live in Sarasota, Florida.