First pass, I wrote the book in the past tense and now I am debating if the present tense is more appropriate. Does the reader want me to relate the a story of my walking the Camino (past tense) or to be swept along in the midst of the action (present tense). If the story is good, does tense make a difference?
Please look at the following paragraph and tell me which version you like best. The changes are subtle.
- The sun rises over the mountains behind us and, once again, we chase our shadows down pebbly roads tinted rose-colored by dawn’s palette. I love the Meseta, especially at dawn when the expansive wheat fields take on a golden hue and all the colors intensify. It is a joyously, magical moment, lasting only a few fleeting minutes. Luckily as the sun rises later each day, I can anticipate repeat performances.
- The sun rose over the mountains behind us and, once again, we chased our shadows down pebbly roads tinted rose-colored by dawn’s palette. I loved the Meseta, especially at dawn when the expansive wheat fields took on a golden hue and all the colors intensified. It was a joyously, magical moment, lasting only a few fleeting minutes. Luckily as the sun rose later each day, I could anticipate repeat performances.
- Makes no difference, I like both.
So, dear reader, let me know which you prefer.