9 free tools that will make you a better writer

Serious writers are always looking to improve their skills. Even when I read for enjoyment, I am looking at the author’s phraseology, especially the use of similes and metaphors, which are difficult for me to coin. I look at voice and theme development to see what works or doesn’t. I read books in my genre to see how…
It’s About Time by Susan A. Royal (Part 2)

In the first part of this two-part blog-swap, Susan A. Royal discussed how she started the “It’s About Time” series and how she fits writing into her busy life. In this part, Susan discusses the next installment in the series. I’ve got almost 20 chapters of Into the Past, the next book in the “It’s About Time” series. In Not…
It’s About Time Susan A. Royal (Part 1)

In this two-part blog swap, Susan A. Royal discusses the time-travel series, “It’s About Time.” In this first part, she tells us how she started the series and how she fits writing into her busy life. In Part 2, (available November 6) Susan will discuss the next installment in the series. First, I want to thank you for allowing me to visit…
Exercise to be more creative

While I wrote my last book, I gained ten pounds. It’s easy to do when you sit eight to ten hours a day. Even though I had incorporated walking and weight training into my daily routine, I was out-eating my fat-burning endeavors. This summer, I hiked the Long Trail in Vermont. Within three weeks, the strenuous mountaineering and…
Why you need to be an ethical authors

I recently came across Ja Konrath’s Writer’s Code of Ethics, which he developed because of the controversy on the internet about the behavior of some indie authors. Though it is tongue-in-cheek, he does reason that authors need to recognize that certain behavior is wrong, and pledge to not do the same. As an indie author, do you have…
What kind of writer are you?
If you are a person who uses written words to communicate ideas, you are a writer. If you wish to make a living as a writer there are numerous opportunities. Writing-World.com list 25 different writing careers, but, if you are creative, you can find ingenious ways to support yourself using your craft. When I ask, “What kind of writer are…
What I hate the most about being an author
In a previous post, I discussed what I love the most about being an author, now I will tell you what I hate the most about it. Again, this list us not ordered. Time passes too quickly When I write, time warps. Before I know it, half or more of the day is gone. The reason for this may…
What I love the most about being an author
I love being an author. I love the fact that I can work from anywhere in the world. I love the challenge of bringing a book to life, of creating something from nothing other than my thoughts. As I mentioned in Unexpected benefits to being an author, I love getting a more organized mind, the diverse creativity…
Unexpected disadvantages to being an indie author
Previously, I wrote about the unexpected benefits to being an author. As an indie author, I found these disadvantages. The stigma Many people in the reading community believe that indie books are inferior, having poor editing and formatting. As a result, some readers automatically shun indie authors. Though this bad image is not always justified, there are enough self-published writers…
Unexpected benefits to being an author
I’ve enjoyed many perks as an indie author. I work independently from anywhere in the world, on my schedule, and on a topic of my choosing. The royalties I make on my books supplement my income and, hopefully, will soon become my major means of support. Aside from the perks most people associate with being a writer—independence, flexible work…