Rating: 3 stars
Genre: Drama and Plays
File Size: 1212 KB
ISBN-13: 978-1731292957
Pages: 142

Maniac on the Loose by Steve Hudgins is a new genre for me and, therefore, more difficult to evaluate. The descriptive parts are like a novel, but the narrative is written like a screenplay. For this reason, I will discuss the story arc more than the style.

A maniac escapes from an institution. Dr. Grimm, the hospital head, sends Ski Mask, the head of security, to find the maniac and return him to the hospital. Unfortunately, things go awry and the body count keeps mounting.

Although Maniac on the Loose is classified as a horror story, I found myself laughing at the ridiculous dialogs and situations. If you like spoofs, you might enjoy this horror-comedy. It is entertaining.

By the way, the book has become a movie.