Feel what it is like to be on the Camino

Camino Quotes and Poems: The Meaning of the Journey is the fifth book in the “Woman on Her Way” Series. In this book, the author tries to give you a sense of what it feels like to be a pilgrim. Though each person uniquely experiences the Camino, there are common threads in sentiment and spiritual growth. These poems and quotes attempt to showcase these feelings for you.
Most quotes come from my first book, Women of the Way: Embracing the Camino.
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Camino Quotes and Poems: The Meaning of the Journey
Table of contents:
To My Readers
¡Ultreya! Onward! We go
A Pilgrimage to Santiago
A Walk
Be Kind, Keep Others in Mind
Camino Gifts
Yellow Arrows
The Pilgrim Way to Santiago- a poem
The Road
My Camino
Parting Words
About the Author
The “Woman On Her Way” Books