Rating: 5 stars
Genre: Non-fiction
File Size: 9299 KB
ISBN: 10: 1684017572
ISBN: 13: 978- 1684017577
Pages: 240

I loved Cameron Powell Camino Book, Ordinary Magic: Promises I Kept to My Mother Through Life, Illness, and a Very Long Walk on the Camino de Santiago. This true story is about a boy and his nature-loving, gregarious mom, Inge, who is dying of cancer. Her final wish is to walk the Camino in hopes that nature will help her beat cancer.

Mr. Powell is a talented storyteller. This book celebrates his mother, her life, and their relationship. His story is honest and does not sugar coat his mom, his relationship with her, or her disease. For this reason, she becomes alive and I connect with her on many levels.

The backdrop is the Camino and the pilgrims they meet. Hiking the Camino is life-changing, and the story is about their change. I found it irresistible.

If you like true stories of courage in facing life’s struggles or hiking adventures, be sure to read this book.