Rating: 4 stars
Genre: YA Thriller
File Size: 3980 KB
ISBN-13: 978-1732446717
Pages: 308

In Heir of Ra by M. Sasinowski, Alyssa is the strong, cunning, talented archaeologist’s daughter who must find a cure to the virus that her father contracted while on a dig. To do so, she must find the sacred stone and solve how to enter the Hall of Records beneath the Sphinx. In the meantime, others are also seeking this information. Whom can she trust?

I enjoyed this book, though at times I thought Alyssa’s and her friends’ abilities over and beyond reasonableness. But, then again, so is 007.

The easy-to-read story mixes the past with the current in an unusual way. There are enough cliff hangers to keep the reader’s interest. It is not until the end, that the title Heir of Ra becomes apparent.

I recommend this read for both YA and adults who enjoy adventure, a bit of romance, and a strong female protagonist.