Rating: 4 stars
Genre: YA Fantasy
File Size: 4990 KB
ISBN-10: 1942706065
ISBN-13: 978-1942706069
Pages: 604

Hangman’s Army by L.S. O’Dea continues the Lake of Sins series (book 3). It depicts how Hugh and Trinity build the army to combat the Almighties. Unlike the previous books, this one drags. As the author tries to build sexual tension between the two heroes, she builds frustration with the reader–the repetition of almost-kisses becomes monotonous, at times grating. And, Trinity’s “innocence” seems misplaced with the 20-something-year-old who has seen animals mate but does not understand mating between adults.

Other than that, the story introduces new characters, builds the foundation for war, and keeps me interested enough to buy the next book in the series. Hopefully, that book will resolve the romance and save the story.