Rating: 4 stars
Genre: YA
File Size: 3257 KB
ISBN-13: 978-1942706083
Pages: 534

Book 4 in the Lake of Sins series, Betrayed by L. S. O’Dea deals with various forms of betrayal — between lovers, between friends, even to oneself. The battle intensifies both between the classes and the lovers. Will Trinity ever mature enough to accept Hugh or will her wafflings lead to her falling in love with Jethro?

Once again, the pace is good except with the sexual tensions between Trinity and Hugh. Enough already! Trinity, now a mature woman who teaches warriors how to fight in the forests, continues to act like a spoiled child. If the rest of the story were not so well written, this character flaw in the main female protagonist would be enough reason to put the series down.

In Betrayed, we start to see different sides to the characters. Will Jethro again see the similarities between the classes? Is Professor Conguise rethinking the superiority of the Almighties? These questions, the upcoming confrontations, the new characters are significant enough for me to buy the last episode in this series.