Rating: 3 stars
Genre: Thriller and Suspense
File Size: 2219 KB
ISBN-13: 978-1687529435
Pages: 316

Pop-culture references, British acronyms, too many characters, and faulty grammar interrupted my reading of the thriller, The Silence of Severance by Wes Markin. The ending unsatisfyingly left too many open questions. For these reasons, I did not enjoy this book.

The storyline is shocking: a young woman is kidnapped and a police officer is killed in a macabre way at his wedding. Are the cases related? Mental manipulations, more shocking killings, and a race to find the killer could have made this a great novel had it been better executed.

If you enjoy shocking criminal stories, you might enjoy The Silence of Severance by Wes Markin. If you prefer cohesive stories and well-developed characters, look elsewhere.