Rating: 4 Stars
Genre: Thriller & Suspense
File Size: 1307 KB
ISBN-10: 1943054010
ISBN-13: 978-1943054015
Pages: 288

Suspenseful from the start, Loss of Reason by Miles A. Maxwell kept me wondering what will happen next. This book is very different from thriller and suspense books I’ve been reading lately. There are no gory details, chase scenes, or superhuman fighting skills, though the brothers Franklin and Everon are exceptionally adept and resourceful. Loss of Reason also differs from apocalyptic books in that it is hopeful.

When New York City is blasted by an atomic bomb, Franklin and Everon try to rescue their sister and her family. With time against them, they meet challenges and situations that delay the search. Will they be successful? Will they find out who is responsible for the detonation?

Though the book ends with a cliffhanger, which I detest, the author includes the first two chapters of the next book in the “State of Reason Mystery Series,” which, in my opinion, is the rightful conclusion.

I recommend this book as a refreshing change in the thriller and suspense genre.