Rating: 5 stars
Genre: Supernatural Thriller
File Size: 1977 KB
ISBN-13: 978- 1912105175
Print Length: 312 pages

Valley Of Dry Bones by J.F. Penn in the 10th book in the ARKANE series. I was glad to see Morgan rejoin the usual characters in this mission. (I do love strong female protagonists.)

Jack Timber and the ARKANE team must find the Hand of Ezekiel before those who want to raise an army of the dead do so. To do this, Jack must undergo a voodoo death and find the five finger bones that are scattered about the old Spanish Empire outposts.

The author seamlessly incorporates facts about supernatural legions, voodoo practices, archeological sites, and diving into an exciting read. The ending was unexpected. If you like this supernatural thriller genre, I recommend you read Valley of the Dry Bones.