Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Supernatural Thriller
File Size: 2119 KB
ISBN-10:  1912105659
ISBN-13: 978- 1912105656
Print Length: 240 pages

Another great ARKANE book, End of Days by J. F. Penn features agent Morgan Sierra. This fast-paced thriller is about finding seven seals that will open the sarcophagus of a banished serpent whose resurrection would bring on the end of days. Racing against time, a special lunar eclipse, Morgan and Jake Timber must out-maneuver the Brotherhood of the Serpent in order to save the world from an apocalypse.

What I especially liked about the book was that Morgan showed depth, susceptibility, and conflict. Questioning whether to continue working for ARKANE or to “settle down,” Morgan become multidimensional and more plausible as a character.

If you have enjoyed the ARKANE series to date, you will love this book.