Rating: 5 stars
Genre: SciFi
File Size: 3274 KB
ISBN-13: 978-1537074399
Pages: 298

Wow, what a great read: Chroma: Imogen’s Secret by B. Fleetwood! Imagine being able to tell if someone is lying by reading a person’s invisible aura of colors. But Imogen’s secret ability is only the tip of secrets surrounding this teenager.

Why has she been having nightmares? Have they to do with her mother’s 10-year coma? Why does it seem as if all the adults in her life are being evasive in their response to her questions? Why does the new boy in school make her uncomfortable?

As Imogen learns more about her identity and clandestine life, things start going awry. Will her secret ability and true identity help her face the future challenges?

I love the storyline, the descriptions of the auras, the budding romance, and the suspense. So impressed was I that I immediately bought the second book in the Chroma Trilogy. I can’t wait to get started reading it.