Ratings: 3 Stars
Genre: Supernatural Romance
File Size: 4391KB
ISBN-10: 035938059X
ISBN-13: 978- 0359380596
Pages: 135

I liked the premise of this novella: two bloodlines descending from the Gods compete for membership into the separate families, eliminating the potential candidate to prevent him or her from joining the other.

Dolma tells fortunes but never realizes that she is special until she encounters Lucas, a member of one of the families. He explains to her that she is in danger from her employer who is a key player in the other family.

Whom can she trust? Must she choose one side or is there a third possibility?

The story starts with a steamy dream, which to me was the best writing in the novella. The storyline is interesting and some of the characters have potential, but then are dismissed. The story seems abbreviated to me, especially once Dolma and Lucus run off to hide from the families.

I hope Ms. Bloom will continue to write and develop stories that are more fleshed out. She has potential.