Rating: 3 Stars
Genre: Mystery and Suspense
File Size: 5562 KB
ISBN-10: 064827246X
ISBN-13: 978-0648272465
Print Length: 376 pages

The third book in the Joey Peruggia series Last Secret Keystone by Phil Philips continues the story from book 2, Last Secret Chamber. Joey, Marie, and Boyce must find the keystone to prevent the deaths of innocent tourists who were captured by a rogue DGSE major, Dimitri Panos, while visiting the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The trio, along with Julien Bonnet their boss, must prevent Dimitri from activating the portal. In their attempt to do so, they revisit many of the secret tunnels and chambers from the previous story that are now safe of traps, poisons, and Egyptian crocodiles.

For this reason, I did not find this installment in the series as compelling a read as the others. In fact, I found the recalling of the memories of the previous trials boring. I found the roller-coaster tension missing and yearned for more intrigue on Easter Island and more secret discoveries.

Perhaps the greatest thing about this book is that it will lead to a more exciting sequel.