Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Fantasy
ISBN-10: 0997906464
ISBN-13: 978-0997906462
Pages: 420

Sons of Shail by Susan Klaus, book three of the Flight of the Golden Harpy series, is a suspenseful fantasy of Shail’s sons who fight to inherit control of the Harpies. Raised with loving parents and among the Harpies, Will is honorable, kind, and a good leader. On the other hand, Alex, the bastard son who never felt loved by his mother, is jealous, resentful, and power-hungry and uses telepathic hypnosis to overpower and kill. Who will win the challenge to become the leader? Can Alex overcome the trauma of his early years and learn the gentle ways of the Harpies?

Though the struggle between the two male Harpies is captivating, I expected better editing of the story arc and prose. However, if spelling and grammar errors do not offend you, you should find this a good read.