Beginner writers’ biggest mistake: failure to consider the audience

You have decided to write your first book. You have had a great adventure or have thought up a great plot and can’t wait to get going. What should you do first? Start with an outline? A description of characters? Write frantically to get your thoughts down? As you think about it, you realize the…

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Using the author’s platform to sell—not your books, but yourself

Perhaps after reading Is an author’s platform necessary? Pros and Cons you decided to create an author’s platform. You spent countless hours creating a blog, joining various social media, and collecting emails addresses. You are proud to say, at last, that you have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, and…

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Why Pinterest is important to indie authors

Have you converted your personal Pinterest account to a business account? After reading Pinterest Finally Rolls Out Business Accounts: How to Set Yours Up Today,  I converted my account. Following the steps outlined in the post, it only took a few minutes.  Hopefully, the conversion will lead to benefits that are just as easily implemented.…

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Resetting the tally each month is shocking and is KDP Select for me?

On the first of each month, the book publishers reset the tally for books. Each month, I hold my breath waiting for sales to happen. Which publisher will be the first? How long will it take to make this month’s first sale. Will it be sold in Europe (which is ahead of the US by…

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