Positive influencers in the indie writing community

One of the lessons I learned while hiking the Camino de Santiago was the importance of community and camaraderie. As I walked over 500 miles in northern Spain, many people crossed my path. Through their kindness and generosity, I learned that what is important in life is giving. Returning home, I joined a new community, that of the indie writer. Amazingly, the lessons learned on the Camino are also lessons taught by many bloggers and leaders in the indie community. Today, I would like to pay tribute to some of the writers who have influenced me in the past year.

InfluencesJoanna Penn is the first author I started following. She is very personable and open in relating her writer’s journey. From her, I have learned the importance of seeing readers as people, not numbers of books sold, and creating a relationship with them.

From Jeff Goins, I learned that “What makes a man rich is the number of people who come into his life and leave it changed.” His blog is “about writing, marketing, creative business ideas, and making a difference in the world.”

Danny Iny is an author, strategist, serial entrepreneur, and co-founder of Firepole Marketing, the program that teaches expert marketing for non-marketers. He taught me about engagement and generosity. He gives back so much to the indie community with informative blogs, organizing meaningful webinars and interviews. If you are not following Danny, check him out.

From Mari Smith, an internet marketer specializing in relationship marketing, email marketing and web copy, I learned to slow down, learn what I am doing so I can help others. On her webpage, she describes that she enjoys “working with people who are conscious, heart-centered and concerned about making a difference on the planet… not just making a dollar.” This altruistic attitude is prominent in the people who I choose to be my teachers.

From Joan Stewart’s newsletters and articles, I learned the importance of consistency and branding. Each week, Joan offers free tips to help publicize your work. These free tips have helped me develop a brand and use various social media to promote my work. I highly recommend signing up for her free and informative newsletter.

From Lisa Bloom, I learned the importance of story telling and finding the threads in your life that have made you who you are. She teaches that readers are interested in your passion, what drives you crazy, gives you joy, makes you laugh and feel good or proud. By being open, the reader can get to know you as a person, and this can make all the difference.

These seasoned writers/bloggers and others create a welcoming indie writers community. By example and content, they help foster a camaraderie among the indie writers and set a standard for helpfulness and approachability.

I also have a list of people who influenced me in a negative way. Their “what’s in it for me attitude” taught me what not to do.

Six Lessons learned from negative influencers

  • What is important is the reader, not the sale
  • Do not be flamboyant…too many adjectives makes you look like your are trying too hard
  • Don’t annoy the reader with a barrage of emails promoting your wares
  • Respect the unsubscribe request—nothing is more annoying than having to keep asking to be taken off a list
  • If you offer a free product, make it something worthwhile, not a gimmick to get an email address
  • Be genuine

Who have been your top influencers and why?  What have you learned from them? Please comment.


About The Author

Jane V. Blanchard

Adventurer and Author, I was born in Hartford Connecticut and now live in Sarasota, Florida.