Creating a book cover that screams “Pick me up”

This is the first in a series about book covers. The second is Use font to create a high-impact book cover. The third is Use harmony to create an appealing book cover. I’ve been researching how to create a book cover. I am planning a travel book series and would like the cover themes to be consistent…

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To engage readers, use a Facebook Profile—Not a Page

When I created my platform, the consensus was to separate the personal from the professional by creating Facebook Fan Pages, which is what I did. I have a Profile  (personal) Page and an Author’s Page,. Most people use a Facebook Profile Page to exchange information, make Friends, and check up on what others are doing; on…

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Keeping records is crucial for nonfiction authors

My husband is researching his father’s WWII paratrooper activities. Since his father was interviewed by Cornelius Ryan for his book The Longest Day, we visited the Cornelius Ryan Archives at the Mahn Center in the Alden Library, at the Ohio University  in Athens, Ohio (left). For his book, Mr. Ryan placed an ad in newspapers…

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Use voice to breathe life into nonfiction writing

This is the third post in a series on voice. The first is Are you courageous enough to find your voice?  The second is Using voice in nonfiction writing. “There are no boring subjects, only boring writers.” ~ Barry Lane I want to write travel memoirs that read like fiction. I want my readers to become…

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